Top 7 Interesting Facts About Weighted Blankets
Science and medical research has proven weighted blankets are more than a “millennial fad”.

Most weighted blankets use some type of filler—usually plastic and sometimes glass beads, but not Bearaby Nappers. You can thank layers upon layers of chunky, hand-knit yarn for the wonderful, all-natural weight resting upon you.
Don’t sleep on a weighted blanket’s ability to not only induce sleep, but dreams too. This is because they tend to ease people into REM sleep—the deepest, most restful stage of sleep where dreams take place. And studies show that dreams are good for us.
The amount of yawn...ahem, I mean yarn... used to make Bearaby’s Napper stretches out to be as high as the Eiffel Tower! That’s over 280 yards of chunky-soft yarn and the equivalent of nearly three football fields.
Did you know?
Neither whales or dolphins actually sleep as their brains are always half awake so that they can keep returning to the water’s surface to breathe. Poor things.
Science and medical research has proven weighted blankets are more than a “millennial fad”. Yep, they’re here to stay. While the main benefits of weighted blankets are fairly well-known, there’s a lot more to the extra-heavy, oh-so-cozy blankets than you may realize. We’ve gathered 7 of our favorite fun facts to share with you. Know this: they’re nothing to snooze on.
1. Weighted Blankets Are Full Of It (Or Not?)
What exactly is it though? Companies are using a variety of materials to fill and weigh down blankets. This includes everything from plastic and glass pellets, to sand and rice to beans and seeds. However, not all fillers are made equal. The durability, washability and weight distribution of a weighted blanket are all important factors to consider before purchasing one. And what’s inside plays a role in each. For example, blankets with fillers that shift around may cause it to sag off the bed or apply too much pressure to one area of the body. However Bearaby Nappers don’t use fillers. There’s simply no need when the weight is delivered through layer upon layer of hand-knitted, chunky organic cotton. Our yarn is naturally weighted with plant-based tree fabric. They’re machine washable, and can go in the dryer. Run it a cycle or two using the Tumble Dry low setting and it’ll be looking (and feeling) good as new.
2. Yards And Yards And More Yards Of Yarn
You’re probably thinking what one could possibly have to do with the other. Well, The Napper isn’t your typical weighted blanket. We use more than 280 yards of weighted yarn to make one 20lb weighted blanket. If you were to roll that out, it would stretch to the same height as the Eiffel Tower! It’s also the equivalent to the length of nearly three football fields. That’s a lot of yarn. Oh, and we definitely don’t suggest putting said measurements to the test. It would make quite a mess, and we can’t refund you for intentionally unraveling your Napper. You’re just going to have to trust us on this one.
3. Weighted Blankets Weigh As Much As A Small Dog
It’s true. And we’re not just talking purse pups or “toy dogs”. Depending on your size, and the amount of weight you prefer draped over you (15-25lbs is the range Bearaby offer), there are many breeds of furry friends that weigh as much as your weighted blanket. If you have a dog in this weight range, don’t even pretend you don’t nap with him or her on top of you every now and then. Obviously, no dog can replicate the weight distribution provided by a weighted blanket, but if you happen to have a small-ish dog, you can get a feel for the right weight. For instance, if you’re targeting a weighted blanket in the 15lb range, Bichon Frises, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Pugs run in that weight class. Need a bit more weight on you? Boston Terriers, French Bulldogs, Shetland Sheepdogs, Basenjis, and Beagles tend to weigh about as much as a 20lb or 25lb Napper. Oh, and dogs of all sizes drool all over The Napper. Well, hopefully not literally.

Photo by Felipe Bustillo on Unsplash
4. Doze Off To A World Of Wonderful (Some Weird) Dreams
Weighted blankets are known to cause you to dream more. This is because they tend to ease people into REM sleep—the deepest, most restful stage of sleep where dreams take place. And studies show that dreams are good for us. Rubin Naiman, a sleep and dream expert at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, says, “Good dreaming contributes to our psychological well-being by supporting healthy memory, warding off depression, and expanding our ordinary limited consciousness into broader, spiritual realms.” So, don’t sleep on the power of dreamy sleep.
5. Weighted Blankets May Help Lessen Sleepwalking
An estimated 10 percent of all people sleepwalk at some point. During this zombie-like state, we can perform a number of surprisingly complex motor activities, including walking, eating, cleaning and even interacting with other people, but hopefully not driving. Sleepwalking typically occurs during non-REM sleep, which happens early in the evening or near-morning. If you or anyone you live with suffers from this kind of creepy, somewhat dangerous disorder, using a weighted blanket may be the answer to putting it to bed. This isn’t only because the weight distribution will decrease the ability to move around or get up out of bed. The pressure of a weighted blanket also helps promote more time spent in deep REM sleep, keeping sleepwalkers horizontal and out of harm’s way.
6. We’re Not Kidding Around When It Comes To ADHD
This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but kids struggling with ADHD—and the accompanying prescribed medications—often struggle to sleep (or nap) soundly. The root of the problem for kids is the inability to calm themselves down when it’s time to get some friggin’ shut eye (and for adults to get some much-needed alone time). We’ve covered how surprisingly comfy weighted blankets can be, BUT the comforting aspect of the Cotton Napper, for instance, can put to bed a range of hyperactive disorders. Science says the gentle calming nature of weighted blankets may work to release the hormone serotonin, as well as the sleep inducing hormone melatonin. And science is smart, so listen up.
7. Pets Seem To Like ‘Em As Much As People Do
Any conscientious pet parent knows that they can struggle with anxiety just like we do. Meeting new humans, the dredded trip to the vet, crashing thunder or the wail of sirens can all turn your precious fur baby into a nervous wreck. These occurrences can cause them to whine/howl, shake or seek shelter under the bed. It’s hard to see them so upset, and even harder to help them cope. Weighted blankets can actually play a role in helping them overcome their worries. Just as they help us humans calm down, weighted blanket can help your dog or cat relax, too. The Napper is chunky soft, highly breathable and super snuggable. Just like you, it can comfort your four-legged friend, easing their anxiety. After all, they have pretty stressful lives… so many responsibilities. Just don’t let them chew, suckle or hog the blanket.
For anxious dogs, it’s also important to make sure that they have their own dog bed to retreat to when the world gets overwhelming. Our Pupper Pod might be a good option if you have a small or medium dog looking for a safe, calming cocoon.